Friday, May 30, 2014


We have been anticipating the visit of Elder Bednar to Moscow for at least a month. All our expectations were met and exceeded this weekend, when he came for a Stake Conference. We were spiritually fed for 10 hours as we sat at his feet to listen and learn. He met with the Priesthood brethren for four hours Saturday morning, two hours in an adult session Saturday night, two hours in a Sunday morning session, and, then, almost four hours with the missionaries Sunday afternoon.  Wow, what a spiritual feast. Paul came out of the Saturday morning Priesthood session loving how and what Elder Bednar taught. It was a question and answer session where Elder Bednar would ask questions and then speak based on the answers given. The brethren were also able to ask questions. It's amazing how Elder Bednar can take questions and answers and, through them, assist everyone onto a spiritual high.

The members of the stake waiting their turn to shake
the hand of Elder and Sister Bednar
Saturday night was a more formal type setting but equally as uplifting. He testified about the characteristics of Jesus Christ to help us realize that, in all He did, He was turning himself outward toward others. Even in His greatest trial, He reached outward to his mother, to the two thieves on the cross, and to his murderers (forgive them for they know not what they do). He encouraged us to develop this unselfish, giving trait in our lives so we can become like him....perfect or complete. He taught us that becoming perfect is not performance without error. It is becoming complete through Christ. He pronounced an apostolic blessing upon the congregation during which everyone felt it was meant just for if he had laid his hands, individually, upon each of our heads. So powerful. Afterwards the congregation lined up to shake his hand. What a privilege for these Moscow saints.....and for us.

Our special Lada shaking
an apostle's hand

A couple of our elders with
a recent convert and an investigator.
 Sunday morning, he directed his message to the investigators in the audience as he talked about the name of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He said, likewise, the church in Christ's time could have been called The Church of Jesus Christ of Ancient day Saints.  He, then, preceded to give the first two missionary discussions - The Restoration and The Plan of Salvation - in his wonderful teaching style. He talked about the priesthood and compared it to an umbrella.  The priesthood provides protection for all who are under the umbrella. He said, "Men have been assigned to hold the umbrella."  He reminded us that the priesthood is more than authority. It is power to act in God's name when 'the holder of the umbrella' is worthy and righteous. He testified that the gospel is the transformation of men and women into Sons and Daughters of God. 

Later that day, all the Moscow missionaries gathered at the Central building and eagerly awaited the arrival of Elder Bednar for a special meeting just with us. What a privilege to be a part of a 4 hour spiritual feast at the table of an apostle.  We all lined up outside as we waited for his car to arrive. We were singing 'We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet' when he drove up, got out of the car and walked up to us. Many of us shed a tear or two during the process. After a group picture, we assembled in the chapel to be fed by him.  We were not disappointed. He is definitely a master teacher and taught us how to teach with faith. We had all been asked to read three of his talks and, during the whole four hours, we talked about what we had learned and felt while studying them. It was, again, an informal format of his asking questions first and then the missionaries asking him questions.  He helped the young missionaries to realize that their only responsibility is to invite investigators to act (ie: read the Book of Mormon, pray to know of it's truthfulness, etc.) so they can learn for themselves and gain a testimony. He reminded them that they can't jam the message into their hearts because the investigators have to invite it to come into their hearts. We were advised to let the Lord do the heavy lifting.  We must develop faith enough that the Lord will guide us, through the Holy Ghost, in this work we have been called to do. Even after four hours, no one was ready for the meeting to end.  We were all on such a spiritual high that to go back out into the real world was the last thing we wanted to do. His parting counsel to us was to ask ourselves, "Based upon what we have observed, felt and learned today, what will we do?" He pronounced a blessing upon all of us that we would be able to remember and apply the things learned this day. Once again, we had the privilege of shaking his hand. We very reverently filed up to the front of the room, shook his hand, and returned to our seats, basking in the spirit we all felt.  As he left, we all stood in great reverence for this wonderful man of God. We were truly taught at the feet of an apostle of God. An amazing weekend....not only a mission highlight but a lifetime highlight.

Sister Burgener putting the finishing touches on
the table of snacks for our visitors.
I had a couple of special privileges in relation to Elder and Sister Bednar.  Paul and I were asked to help set up for and pass out snacks for the priesthood brethren during the Saturday morning session.  We also set up an expanded snack for the seven visiting Elders, including Elder Bednar, in the high council room. I was given the opportunity of being in the room when they came to eat.  I was able to introduce myself to Elder Bednar as being from Heber, and in fact, from the same ward in which he had built a second home.  He commented about how wonderful Bishop Baird was at getting inactives and non members to the meetings when he attends.  A little later, the wives of the Elders came up to the room to have something to eat, too. They had been to a meeting with the young single adult women at the South building and came up to meet their husbands after the Priesthood meeting.  They invited myself, Sister Burgener, and Sister Broadbent to join them as they ate.  We sat with them for an hour and a half just visiting together. They asked us about our responsibilities and how we felt about serving. Of course, I told them I thought Paul and I had the best assignment in the mission, working with the Young Single Adults and Pathway. It was a great opportunity to be with these women and to come to realize that they are ordinary women with extraordinary callings. What a choice experience.

Sister Causse, Sister Rasband, Sister Broadbent, Me, Sister Bennett,
Sister Lawrence, Sister Bednar, and Sister Burgener
The second experience came on Monday.  All the senior sisters traveled up to the area mission office for a luncheon with Sister Bednar and the wives of a presiding bishopric member, our area president, and a counselor in the area presidency.  After introducing ourselves, we were asked to share the blessings we have felt come into our lives because of the missions we were serving. We all were wishing we had recorded the answers as they were so uplifting and powerful. After lunch, we were given the opportunity of asking the sisters questions. There were many interesting and spiritual moments during that time, too. Sister Bednar shared with us that as soon as she was told of her husband's new assignment as an apostle she said, "I don't think I can do that." (An ordinary woman in an extraordinary calling and given what she needs to be successful in that calling by the Lord.) We assured her that she was doing it and doing it very well.  Once again, we all hated for the afternoon to end.

Everything else that happened during the week paled in comparison to the weekend events, but here is the report of those happenings. Monday, we had three senior couples over to our apartment for dinner.  The Coltons were leaving for home at the end of the week so we wanted to have them to dinner before they left. They brought the couple who is replacing them, the Pollards, and it was great to get to know them. The Jensens came also. They have invited us to their home on several occasions so we wanted to repay their kindness.  It was a good evening.

District meeting, as usual, was on Tuesday. The sisters had to come early to eat because they had a zone meeting at which they had to do a presentation. We were glad they wanted to come and eat before so we could visit with them. We had a fun surprise when Elder Melchor showed up with the office elders to our lunch and meeting. His companion had to go home for eye surgery so he was waiting for someone to accompany him back to Smolensk where he is the district leader.  Elder Melchor was in our district when we first arrived so it was great to visit with him again. He is a great missionary. We asked him what it was like to be in the office with the office elders for the past four days. He said it was like being in Liberty Jail. All he wanted was to be back in his area working with his own investigators.
So good to see Elder Melchor again
Wednesday, we had a discussion scheduled but the investigator canceled at the last minute.  We had English group to which we took simple rice krispie treats....a new taste for most Russians. They were gone in a minute as both the missionaries and the Russians loved them.

The completed board
Thursday was our Institute/Pathway gathering night. We taught about the Pride Cycle. It was a fun lesson to teach. At Paul's suggestion, so they wouldn't forget the pride cycle, everyone came up and took pictures of the board display. The best thing about the night is when Irena came up to me to tell me how much she enjoyed the lesson. She also commented on Paul and my relationship even after being married for so long  She could see that we are still best friends and very much in love and said she wanted a marriage like ours.  One of the most important things missionary couples can do for the people we serve is to be examples of a loving and eternal marriage relationship.

Taking a moment to sit
in the shade on this hot day.
Friday, the missionary discussion scheduled actually happened. The missionaries showed up with two investigators. They had just met Alex at the metro station while waiting for their investigator, Henry. Alex had just arrived in Moscow that day from the Congo. He was still in his native dress, a long tunic over tight fitting pants. He had asked the missionaries where he could go to church. The missionaries told him they would show him where the church building after the discussion with Henry. It was a great discussion and we felt that both would come back for another discussion. Henry prayed and even prayed that we could meet again. Pretty promising. After the discussion we made our way to the Metro mall to shop and for a late lunch before game night.

This is the closest thing we have to sitting in our 
backyard at home to enjoy the out of doors.

And that brings us back to the glorious weekend with Elder Bednar.


This week it has been incredibly hot....unusual for Moscow in May.  We have been especially grateful for the small air conditioner unit in our bedroom. At least, it is cool enough to sleep comfortably. We have found that if we put a fan in the doorway of the bedroom, facing into the living room, then that room can be cooled quite nicely, too. Thank goodness for little pleasures.

This tree and all it's fluff is right outside our window.
The tree was just beautiful green leaves until 
about a week ago.

The heat wouldn't be quite so bad if we could open our windows, but we can't. This time of year, in Moscow, there is a tree that is shedding a white fluff. It is like it is snowing in the summer. If we open our windows to get a breeze, all that fluff comes into our apartment because we have no screens on the windows.  It will be interesting to see how long this lasts.  

This picture was taken at 10:00 at night as we were walking home from our Institute/Gathering meetings. The sun hadn't even started to go down. It gets light now by 4 in the morning and it isn't even the longest day of the year yet. We love the added light. It is so nice to walk home late at night in sunlight.


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